Newsletter January 2023

12. January 2023

In our January newsletter we want to give you an update on MZ Automation’s product developements and offers.


  • New product: IED Configurator
  • Schedule Controller Implementation (IEC 61850-90-10)
  • New library releases
    • libiec61850 1.5.2
    • libiec61850 1.6 development preview
    • lib60870 2.3.2
  • New release and edition of the IEC 60870-5-101/104 Test Client
  • Product roadmap
  • IED Simulator

New product: IED Configurator

Our new product IED Configurator is an easy-to-use IEC 61850 IED configuration tool.

The purpose of this tool is to transform ICD files to create a CID file, or create a CID file from SCD files. It can be used to configure communication parameters, data sets, control blocks (for reports, GOOSE, logs), and configure settings and other values in the IEC 61850 data model.

We offer two versions of this tool:

  • IED Configurator Lite is a ready-to-use standard product for generic IED configuration that can be purchased as a single seat license. You can immediately purchase this product in our online shop or by traditional sales channels. During the first month this product is available for an introduction price of only 499 EUR.
  • For our development partners we can also offer an customized version of IED Configurator with customer specific branding and features. Please contact us to discuss your requirements, prices, etc.

Schedule Controller Implementation (IEC 61850-90-10)

Together with Alliander and Fraunhofer ISE, MZ Automation is developing an open-source implementation of a schedule controller following the standard IEC 61850-90-10. The outcome is a flexbile scheduler implementation that can be used for various energy management applications. It is also compatible with the scheduler implementation of the FNN Steuerbox used in Germany.

The scheduler is provided as a C source code libarary and is implemented on top of the libiec61850 open-source IEC 61850 implmentation. It’s automatically handling the schedules and schedule controller included in the provided SCL/CID file.

A typcial use case is sending schedules for power or maximum power setpoints.

The implementation is freely available on github:

libiec61850 releases and developments

We also released a new version of libiec61850 (1.5.2) with a lot of bug fixes, security fixes, improvements, and small new features. Please have a look at the release notes for details.

We recommand all users of version 1.4 and 1.5 to update their projects to version 1.5.2

There is also a developer preview of version 1.6 available.

Version 1.6 will have the following new features and improvements:

  • reworked server side array handling
  • server side support for functional naming
  • support for R-GOOSE and R-SMV

lib60870 release 2.3.2

The new release 2.3.2 of lib60870 includes some improvements and bug fixes. Also this release includes an improved version of the TLS layer that added new IEC 62351-3 related features (like session resumption and security alarms).

New release and edition of the IEC 60870-5-101/104 Test Client

With the new release 1.3.5 of the IEC 60870-5-101/104 Test Client we also offer the new Advanced Edition with Python scripting features and a command line version for automatic test system integration.

Product roadmap

The development of our scriptable IEC 61850 IED Simulator is in the final phase and a first release to the public is planned for Q1/2023.

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